Out the window, there’s more than you know

I looked out the window in a class at Gray Middle School   and I saw a blue bird fly through a triumph of combined broken branches. The bird flew so delicately as if he did that every day. The bird stopped, and turned my way as if knowing I was watching him. Then I could see the worms in his mouth as he directed his head down and feed a couple birds that I could only see the beak of. The bird then left and flew out of my vision of the large window.Mountain Bluebird - Pritchard, BC Michael Klotz via Compfight

As I resumed my focus on the class, the buzz of the bees and the echoing of the keys being clicked from classmates drifted my vision back towards the window. I found myself starring at the puke yellow beehive. As the bees went in and out of the beehive making noises louder than usual. It grasped my attention as are teacher told us to go into prezi.com. I got on to my computer as I showed my strength of being bored with a strong sigh. As I looked back out to see, nothing, just the trees.The VisitorCreative Commons License Bob Peterson via Compfight

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